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 Trinty Throne Base

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D-ranked pilot

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Join date : 2009-05-13
Age : 31

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Trinty Throne Base Empty
PostSubject: Trinty Throne Base   Trinty Throne Base Icon_minitimeSun May 17, 2009 10:34 am

An unknown secondary group (or third if you count Fereshte) of Celestial Being. This group consists only three sibling pilots of Michael Trinity, Neena Trinity, and Johann Trinity to their Throne Gundams. Unlike the crew of Ptolemaios, they have no coordinated support and only supplement coordination through their Haro and team leader (and elder brother), Johann.

Unlike their relative group, they partake in missions to "end world conflict" by destroying military bases and research facilities. They act independently and do not take missions from Veda, but from their benefactor, Laguna Harvey. Their base of operations while in space is their Trinity Mothership and while on Earth, a hidden base in Northern Africa.
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